The last lesson
Flamingo Chapter #1
Long Answer Type Questions
(Important Questions For English Class 12 UP Board Exams)
Q1. Why was Franz running towards the school that day? what did he notice during the way? {V.Imp}
Ans. France was running towards the school that day because he started school very late that morning and he was in great fear of scolding especially because M.Hamel had said that he would question him on participles and he did not know the elementary knowledge about them.
During the way, he noticed that the day was warm and bright the Birds was chirping at the edge of the wood and the Prussian soldiers were drilling behind the sawmill in the open field.
Q2. What was the scene inside the class when France reached the school? {V.Imp}
Ans. when Franz reached the school the seen inside the class was very quiet. he saw that his classmates had taken their places already his teacher M.Hamel was walking up and down with his trouble iron ruler under his arm. Franz had to open the door and go in before everybody he was blushed and frightened M.Hamel saw him and said very kindly, "go to your place quickly little Franz" Besides it the whole School seemed too strange but the think that surprised him most was to see on the backbenchers that were always empty the village people sitting quietly like themselves.
Q3. In which way did M.Hamel blame himself and others for the negligence of the study of French language? {V.Imp}
Ans. M.Hamel blamed himself and others for the negligence of the study of french language because M.Hamel himself sent franz to water in his flowers instead of learning lessons. He also gave Franz a holiday whenever he wanted to go fishing. M.Hamel also blamed his parents were not anxious to educate him. They wanted him to work on a farm or milk to earn a little money. Franz himself did not want to go to school but enjoy the day.
Q4. What happened at last? How did M.Hamel lat the class? {V.Imp}
Ans. At last it was silent all around in the class. The teacher M.Hamel explained everything with very patiently. He observed first at one thing then at another as he wanted to fix them in his mind how everything looked in that little schoolroom. At last, M.Hamel turned to the blackboard took a piece of chalk and wrote - "Viva La French"
Then he stopped and leaned his head against the wall and without a word he indicated with his hand "school is dismissed - you may go" This type of M hamel ended the class.
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the last lesson
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