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5 Best selling & self help books on love and relationships - Everyone must read

5 Best selling & self help books on love and relationships - Everyone must read

1. The Course of Love

I want to start with Alain de Botton's book The Course of Love. this is my favorite self help book on relationships. I don't know if you can see it from my little black and white non-touch Kindle. I would really recommend this book to you if you have a tendency to maybe romanticize love and maybe you think once I find that person most of the problems in my life will be solved. The book The Course of Love it's a novel, but it's written in a very clever way. It's a story about a couple and their life from when they met and how their relationship is evolving. Through that story, you see clippings of thoughts that are... It's like a mix of philosophy, love psychology, explaining why we love the way we do, why we cheat, and a lot of different things. A really brilliant book.

 2. Attached

Book number two is Attached by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller. this is a good self-help books on relationships Attached is the new science of adult attachment and how it can help you find and keep love. When I read this book I finally felt that 'Oh my god! I'm not crazy!' There are thousands of people that are feeling exactly the way I do. And I am not crazy. You know when someone just puts like a name, a label to something that you are feeling and then you're thinking I'm not alone. So what this book explains... It explains three different attachment styles. Avoidant, anxious, and secure. And how you choose partners, how you love the way you do, why you have certain disagreements, why your relationships don't work. And it just made so much sense 

3. The State of Affairs: Rethinking Infidelity

Another great book is Esther Perel's book The State of Affairs: Rethinking Infidelity. this book is very awesome in the field of self-help books on love and relationships. This book is explaining why people cheat. Because you may be thinking oh people cheat when because they are a**holes, maybe they don't love you, and things like that. But Esther Perel explains that sometimes that's not the case and she also shows several couples that after the infidelity incident some of them grow apart, maybe they get a divorce, they break up, but then some become stronger. And she shares a lot of stories from her patients and the things that they were going through. 

4. Why Am I Still Single for Women

 Another brilliant book that I think is a must-read if you are dating and you are currently single is written by this extraordinary author Ieva Kambarovaite. That's me And the book is called Why Am I Still Single for Women. The truth is I wish my mum told me about men. And this book covers everything that you need from why you love the way you do, why you attract certain kinds of men, lovers in your life, how to live a great life and how to build a great life as a single woman, how to master online dating and many other things.

5. Getting the love you want

And the last, but not the least, is a brilliant book Getting The Love You Want. I personally like this self-help book on love and relationships. A guide for couples by Dr. Hendrix. As you can see it's also serving as a leaf dryer. Do you ever do that? When you like to go on a nice walk or something and your dry leaves there. Don't be put off by the fact that this book says it's a guide for couples. It's filled with a lot of case studies, research, and stories from real people, where you'll be able to look at those situations and be like, Okay, maybe when. It's built with a lot of practical things that you can take from it, so it's not just, you know, like boring theory and things like that.  this is one of the reasons why maybe you've not been able to keep certain relationships going because it seems like you're not speaking the same language. Have you read any of those books? 

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