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What are Wormholes? where are they exist? Can we travel through Wormhole

How are wormholes formed?

According to Sir Isaac Newton, every object present in this universe attracts any other object towards itself by a force of attraction which is called gravitational force.

Sir Isaac Newton gave the theory of gravitational force but he could not explain why the gravitational force works between any two planets present in the universe. In the year 1915, Albert Einstein, through his General Theory of Relativity, explained that the Gravitational Force works due to the deformation of space-time. 

What are Wormholes? where are they exist? Can we travel through Wormhole
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In simple language, space-time is like a sheet spread in the universe,, and time and space move together in it. According to Einstein, every object present in the universe distorts space-time due to its size, if the size of a body is large then it will deform space-time more.

The concept of a wormhole also arises due to distortion in space-time. Albert Einstein and his colleague nathan rosen believed that sometimes these distortions lead to a shortcut path in space-time that connects two distant places in the universe anddifferent time periods. Scientists call these shortcut paths made in space-time by the name of a wormhole. According to Einstein's mathematical model, worm hole should be present in the universe, but till date no worm hole has been found. 


where do scientists think wormholes exist

But according to theoretical physicist john wheeler's quantum foam hypothesis, like virtual particles, wormholes are created and destroyed on their own. According to Wheeler, wormholes exist but they are so small that they cannot be detected. 

  • Virtual particles are those particles found in the universe that are generated by themselves and destroyed by themselves. Physicists have named these particles with amazing behavior as virtual particles.

According to scientists, wormholes can be anywhere, even it is close to you, but the size of wormholes is very small, according to Wheeler,, the size of the wormhole is 10¯³³ cm, so by the current technology, it is possible to detect any Wornholes. Is impossible.

How to create a wormhole for time travel

If we use a wormhole to go to a planet present in the universe, then it is quite possible that we will reach that planet in some other time period. In such a situation, it will also be difficult for us to return to our planet or time period. According to physicists who believe in parallel universe theory, warm holes also connect two different parallel universes.

Looking at the current technology, it is impossible to make a wormhole, but scientists are engaged in its efforts.

According to the physicists, it is possible to do time travel through a warm hole, through this we can reach another time period, but with today's technology all this is not possible but the theoretical proof is there. As our technology continues to develop, we will be able to learn more about wormholes and there may come a time when we can travel in different time periods and also travel long distances. be completed in a very short time

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